Buying a home will probably be the biggest financial transaction that you ever commit to. Get the deal and you can look forward to many years of contentment and happiness in your dream home, get it wrong however and you could face years of financial difficulty.
As independent mortgage brokers we are able to offer you support and guidance to ensure that you get the mortgage that's most suitable for you, and what's more with our state of the art dedicated research software we can analyse the multitude of mortgages currently available and narrow the list down to the most appropriate deals for your individual and personal circumstance.
Our highly experienced advisers have been helping people just like you obtain the most appropriate deals on their mortgages, so whether you are buying for the first time, the hundredth time or looking at property for investment purposes, we are here to help you and we are very good at it!
If you would like to discuss your mortgage, remortgage or buy to let needs then please get in touch on either the number above or using the form on the left.
Watermead Financial Ltd charge a fee for advising and arranging a mortgage. The exact amount of fee varies but typically would work out as 1% of the amount borrowed with any fees from the lender rebated back to the client. A typical examplewould be £100,000 loan, a fee of 1% would equal £1,000. The amount due from the lender for example would be £450 so a further £550 would be due from the client on completion via an invoice.
Your home or property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgages.
The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate some aspects of buy to let mortgages and secured loans.
You may have to pay an early repayment charge to your existing lender if you remortgage.